It seems that every year, about half-way through, I lull. There is a huge gap in my blogs from about May to the end of the year. And this year, I didn't even start until March. Is it any wonder that my email used to be slacker_a? While scrolling through favorite statuary, I came across Apollo and Daphne , and my eyes lit up. Maybe this story is so intriguing to me because I have a sister named Daphne. Or maybe the statue itself is what drew me in. Apollo, who has been hit by those tricky arrows that belong to Eros (a.k.a. Cupid), wants Daphne so badly that he won't give in to her refusals. Daphne detests Apollo, and begs her father for help in getting away from him. The way I see the story - and many others as well - is that Apollo was about to deprive Daphne of her virtue, and so her father turns her into a Laurel tree. She is still a living thing, and though not a human, has escaped Apollo's grasp. From Wikipedia This sculpture by Bernini is, in effect, enthrallin...
Michael Aaron Hall, Sculpting in Bronze and Stone